a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Tag: kill team

Finally Getting My Red On

I’ve always like red in games. If a player color option is available to choose, red is the one I grab. When first hearing of Infinity and checking out the army options, Nomads were my first choice because their stock scheme was red. I didn’t end up playing Nomads but got my chance to “choose red” when going for my T’au Kill Team.

Kill Team Ruins

Along with the work I did on Blood & Plunder, I also pushed through my Kill Team set. I had originally bought the Ork and Guardsmen starter but always wanted to try out T’au. The T’au + Sisters set came out so I immediately pivoted to them instead. As usual, I started with the terrain.

Kill Team Second Chance

Kill Team got a revamp in the second half of 2021 and from the changes I was hearing, GW got my attention again. I did not have a good go at Kill Team 2018 as the rules just didn’t seem like something I’d like when I demoed it at a Warhammer store and then the terrible demo job I experienced at Gen Con a few months later nailed the coffin tight. But that is all in the past. Let’s see what got me back on the Kill Train.

Gen Con 2018 Day 2

Gen Con 2018 Day two began a little later, thankfully and was tournament-free.  Up first was the Frostgrave Event with the designer, Joseph McCullough.

Speed Dating: Games Workshop’s WH40K Skirmisher, Kill Team

When I was out at my local Warhammer store last week, picking up my painting handle, the owner let me know that they were running some Kill Team demos later in the month.  I stopped by this past weekend and had the chance to get a little taste of it to see what it was all about.

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