Along with ships and sea battles, Blood & Plunder allows for land battles like I originally played in and “amphibious” battles that combine land and sea rules. Before I can do any of those, I need to up my land terrain game.

One of the big challenges I realized when putting together the Blood & Plunder: Raise the Black set was storage. You have minis and tokens and rulebooks and cards and dice which are normal. But then you have these ships with fragile masts and delicate sails. They aren’t all that fragile but they can’t be just thrown back into a box so I needed to improvise.
If you missed my part 1 post, you can see it here.
Gen Con 2016’s Thursday was coming to a close, or at least the dealer hall was as it was getting into the late afternoon. Fortunately for me, my day was finally getting into full gear. It was Blood Rage Tournament time! This was a series of two Blood Rage games and the top 4 total scores would play a final game for the tournament prize: a full Kickstarter Exclusives set. Pretty choice swag if I could get it.
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