I had already done some work on my boards for Era: Medieval Age by creating custom peg boards for the buildings. I had even done work to liven up the drab yellow boards but only with one. I wanted to try something different and easier so I took out the last three boards and got to work.
Tag: era: medieval age
With the first two phases complete on my pimp out of Era: Medieval Age, it was time to move on to the next piece, the player boards. These boards were complained about a lot and is the only major piece of criticism with the game from what I see online. The publisher provided a sticker set to improve the overall visibility of the board numbers but I know we can do a lot better than that. Also, it doesn’t change the fact that the boards are such bland and uninspiring yellow.
I started pimping out the new Era: Medieval Age game last week and, after cracking the code for the peg hole layout, I was able to move on to phase 2- storage. I first got the idea from a request by a user on BGG: use extra player boards to store all the loose buildings. Since I’m able to create a new board from scratch, I’m not limited to a single player board so I decided to make one large storage board.
I had a chance to play Matt Leacock’s new game Era: Medieval Age at Gen Con and instantly liked it. The quality components and the full “city building” game style was immediately appealing. I didn’t pick it up at the Con as I didn’t want to fight the crowds and haul it home but I finally picked it up and got it to the table.
Like every year, I think I’ll have time during the show to update things but that never happens. The convention is just too busy and entertaining to stop and post so as I settle back into to post-Con life, I get the energy to recapture the magic before too much of the memories fade. Because my photos are in order, it’s easiest to just go through things each day.