a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Tag: dahshat

Custom Remote

Infinity Escalation League keeps on trucking and we’ve passed through Block 3. The final block, where we take our lists all the way to 300 points, is upon us. For this block I’m hoping to get through some of the last pieces of the Dahshat army. There is a special remote in Haqqislam that Dahshat gets to take, the Rafiq remote, that I wanted to make some the special for. I’d seen someone else somewhere do it and decided I’d take a crack at it.

New Block, Full Game

We are in block 3 of the escalation league for Infinity and we’ve graduated to the full game. All units are available without restriction. All rules and equipment options are available and all mission rules and objectives are in game. The only difference in games at this point are the points are capped at 250 to help people still build and paint up to this level.

Block 2 Complete

With the conclusion of the Block 2, we are halfway through our Infinity Escalation League. This block was 200 points, no link teams, no smoke, no TAGs. Remotes were and have been available and it was a day for Rui Shi, party master remote extraordinaire.

Working It Out

With the first block of Infinity Escalation League done, need to swell the Dahshat ranks a bit. I can’t just sit back on my painted Yu Jing units and pretend I’m playing Dahshat so bring on the recruits!

Finishing Out The Block

Infinity Spring Escalation League is in full swing as the last of block 1 games play out. I got two more quick 150 point games in this past week including playing against the Japanese Sectorial, which is the first time I’ve seen these units.

I Guess You Didn’t Know It But I’m A Fiddle Player Too…

I got the chance to take some decent shots of my new Dahshat recruits for Infinity: Fiddler, Aristeia’s ex-Toymaker and Valerya Gromoz. I’m pretty sure Corvus Belli purposely put that ‘s close to the ex-Toymaker part for some additional lulz and I applaud them for the additional crude humor.

A Quick Escalation

Infinity is back in the mix as the local group I’ve been meeting with haphazardly has started an Escalation League. With an overwhelming backlog of Infinity minis still new-in-box/blister, I decided to use the league start tamping down on that issue. I also want to use the opportunity to start up a new faction: Dahshat.

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