a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Tag: comic Page 1 of 8

Sh*t My Rule Book Says

It’s been a couple of months since I last played some disappointing games of Dropzone Commander and I don’t think stewing in frustration will do any one any good so I’ve decided to take another path. No game, no matter how well designed, is flawless. In Simulation games especially, this can lead to some pretty funny interactions.

I’ve decided to illustrate some of these situations in Dropzone Commander through some new photographs. It was a lot of fun creating these scenes and, if nothing else, I hope you enjoy them. Big thanks to Colton for loaning me some of his fantastic UCM, Scourge, and Shaltari models.

A Farewell To First Edition

Dropzone Commander has been a great ride and even with all the ups and downs of the last few years as the original company was sold and a new edition announced, it still holds a lot of weight with my friends. The UKGE convention happened over the weekend and the first salvos of the real 2nd edition have landed.

I complained last week that releasing the book without unit stats will be dangerous unless the online builder is released as well and it seems they did just that. There is still a bit of dust for TTCombat to clean up with the new army builder in Beta and having some obvious errors but the company seems fully committed and that is really all we can hope for.

While 2nd edition gets cleaned up for its official opening later this month, we decided to do one last game in 1st edition to give the original a final and proper send off.

Infinity Full Sample

I still want to finish up the Operation Red Veil final mission but I got an opportunity to throw down a full 300 point game this weekend and put together a quick report. Due to time constraints and my inexperience with the rules, we only got to play one full round but it was enough to see the game in more detail.

Batman Miniature Game: Big Boy Brawl

As I mentioned last week, we got in a nice game of Batman Miniature Game last weekend. I decided to go back to my roots a little bit and post in the comic format. This isn’t a narrative comic like I’ve done with Walking Dead but I like how it allows the story come out with the pictures more than the text. We’ll see how well it does but as I refine the process a little more, I should be able to post these a little easier.

Walking Dead Comic Session Report #5

The year is drawing to a close and I wanted to make sure I got one last issue of my “The Real Adventures of Rick and Glenn!” comic in.  This issue completes the first arc I had intended and I hope to continue the next arc in 2018.

Enjoy! (click here or on the cover image to go to the comics page)

Chapter 5 – 14

Chapter 5 – 13

Chapter 5 – 12

Chapter 5 – 11

Chapter 5 – 10

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