a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Tag: cad

Scenic Life

With my first land terrain piece done for Blood & Plunder, I moved on to scatter terrain and smaller items. I knew I wanted the standard Caribbean palm trees but there is then the question of storage. I decided I needed to print my own tree bases and would use cheap plastic trees to plug-n-play.

Finding The Limits

I’m back working on some Age of Sigmar items but have some work ahead of me. I’ve been wanting a Chaos Warshrine for awhile but never picked one of for a variety of reasons. I found one cheap second-hand and snagged it. Unfortunately, it wasn’t complete and for some reason, I really wanted this missing item.

Truth In Advertising

Sean was talking about spicing up our terrain for Infinity and there was a Micro Arts Studio scatter piece that I really liked so instead of picking it up, I decided to try my hand at making my own.

The Ruined City: Tunnels And Ramps

Earlier this week I had started on my new Dropzone Commander layout, tentatively titled “The Ruined City.” I’ve now completed my double canal set and started working on other options like ramps to get from the base (table) level to the second level where most of the board will reside.

All Along The Water Tower

With Dropzone Commander, as with most minis games, there are a lot of extra tools players use to help the game go smoothly. This can be things like laser lines to accurately check line of sight or one innocuous little tool that Dropzone players have been using: the stitch counter.  This little device is a great way to track the damage done to large items that have a high damage value like buildings.  With building destruction common in Dropzone and buildings having damage points as high as 40, a concise way to keep track of this was needed and the small footprint of the stitch counter worked perfectly.  You can pick them up at hobby stores or find them in bulk online.

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