a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Tag: wizkids

Dipping Into The Animated Series

Batman The Animated Series was a staple cartoon that I watched as a kid and when I first got into Knight Model’s Batman Miniature Game, I was excited to see that they had some Animated Series figures.  Unfortunately, they only had a handful of minis and with the game being heavily skirmish-based, you couldn’t make much of a team out of their offerings.  The minis were great but they needed more of it.

Big Pimpin’

One thing that has fascinated me in board games is the concept of taking a standard game and blowing the whole thing out to a larger size.  These “super-sized” or “Giant/Mega” versions of games are usually seen at game conventions or public spaces. I suspect this is mostly due to the cost involved in creating giant versions of the game and the space needed to play/store it but it also creates a spectacle and attracts a lot of attention.

It’s the spectacle that drives us to make giant versions of these games. It’s this unique aspect of play that engages the players and the audience in a way that takes something very familiar and maybe even boring and makes it into a memorable experience. For me, playing a giant version of the game brings me back to a child-like state where the pieces barely fit in my hands.  My movements are awkward and clumsy and I become fully immersed in the game itself.  It occupies a wide field of my vision and I am in the game as completely as I can ever be.

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