a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Tag: restoration games

Photo Friday: Han’s Luck

With the announcement by Restoration Games that they are remaking Star Wars: Epic Duels, the classic Hasbro skirmish game, I thought I’d break out that old standby and reminisce a little.

Much like Han’s luck above, the Star Wars aspect of the Epic Duels reboot is out. Unmatched will update the rules and game play but also feature more eclectic character sources like Sinbad or Robin Hood. Licensed characters are due to follow as well with some interesting choices like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Bruce Lee. Make no mistake that I’ll be all over this at the release at Gen Con this year.

Gen Con 2018: Day 3

With half of the Con down, Saturday started with the usual crush of weekend attendees. I tend to avoid the dealer hall on the weekend as it is just too crowded.  Instead, I had my Dropzone Commander event in the main event hall.

Playtesting Board Games

I had a little hiccup this week and found that my old blog theme was about seven years old and way out of support.  I was wanting to add a nifty plug-in but trying to get it to play nice crashed the site hard so I went shopping for a more recent theme and was glad to stumble onto the one before you.  I hope it’s not too jarring of a change but if anyone has any feedback, I’d love to hear it.

In addition to the new look for the new year, I also am excited to test out a new board game.  I’ve actually been testing games for big publishers for the last five years or so but I’m usually under a Non-Disclosure Agreement to not talk about the product even after it is released. However, the current game I’m testing has a unique “Disclosure Agreement” instead where the publisher is encouraging the testers to discuss their experiences openly.

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