a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Storage Unit

I started pimping out the new Era: Medieval Age game last week and, after cracking the code for the peg hole layout, I was able to move on to phase 2- storage. I first got the idea from a request by a user on BGG: use extra player boards to store all the loose buildings. Since I’m able to create a new board from scratch, I’m not limited to a single player board so I decided to make one large storage board.

From the beginning, I knew I didn’t want to have some bland peg board so I created some art designed to also help with the layout of the structures. The art assets are from an artist known for making assets for RPG maps usable for everyone. If you like them, I encourage you to support him here.

I researched several image transfer techniques and settled on a simple ModPodge transfer. This is similar to the Flick em Up Mustache technique I used but instead of tape holding the toner, the ModPodge does the work and makes a shellac on the board.

In all honesty, I was going to do that then I forgot to reverse the image for the transfer and since this was printed at a print shop on 11×17 paper I decided not to waste more time going back to reprint it. Instead, I used spray adhesive to mount the image onto the board.

I set it up on my CNC after reconfiguring the main file and away we went.

It came out pretty well. My holes were pretty square and straight to the image lines I had mad and the scaling wasn’t too bad. Only a few of the building peg areas overran into my art. The whole project was also relatively centered to the board so I called this a success.

I was pretty excited to see it all layout well until I got lower on the board and realized that I had reversed the holes on all the non-symmetrical buildings. It still “works” but I had to offset the farms and monastery pieces to fit. The Lumbermills worked by angling them and so I got lucky there too.

Overall, I am pleased. I may remake it to fix the peg holes but for now I’ll keep it in play as it definitely fulfills its purpose.


Ninjas With A Side Of Ronin


Idyllic Scenes


  1. Russ Spears

    I would like to bestow this with thumb and heart emojis, or whatever the kids do these days. That looks awesome, Christian!

  2. Russ Spears

    I would like to go back and edit my previous post to properly spell “do” instead of referencing kids poop.

    • Christian

      I got ya! 🙂 And thanks! It’s good to get back into some “proper” pimpin’. I still feel like painting is pimping in most games but my paint desk usually eats up the lion’s share of my hobby time.

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