a pursuit of fruitless endeavors and endless refinements

Month: April 2017

Walking Dead “Wednesday”: Body Count

After making my Lurker variant using one of the existing Walking Dead models, I found that I wanted more but didn’t want to start ripping apart a bunch of my already painted doubles so I’ll have to wait to see what other doubles I might get later on.  I don’t want to have to wait too long so I went in search of some modern figure bodies that I might be able to use. Eventually, I found a set of dead body figures from TTCombat and after receiving them, I found they work quite well.

TTCombat figures come unpainted.

Tiny Racers

I recently spent some time painting up something besides my black and white Walking Dead collection (shocking, I know).  I talked earlier about receiving Championship Formula Racing (CFR) and my 1976 F1 cars from Shapeways and I decided to start painting them up.

Before I get into that though, I also picked up a game I’ve had my eye on for a while now. This game also deals with racing but of a completely different era: Chariot Race by Eagle-Gryphon Games.

Walking Dead Wednesday: Horseplay

As I mentioned in my Lurker post, I picked up a second Rick on Horse set on accident so I’ve been looking at what to do with the extra miniatures. Since I found a nice use of the extra duplicate walker, I decided I should do something with the extra Rick figure too.

Checking out some of the upcoming expansions, I saw the retail booster of Ezekiel and his tiger, Shiva.

6×6 Gaming Challenge Update

I’ve had a concerning item on my 6×6 challenge list for a while and wasn’t sure if it would even release with enough time to get in my six plays but I was finally able to pick up this interesting item: Championship Formula Racing.

Walking Dead Wednesday: Heavy Horses and Plastic Tanks

This week I was able to finish up a couple more items on my Walking Dead to-do list: the Rick on Horse figure and my cheap plastic toy tank.

The tank was exceedingly easy as I try not to spend too much time on terrain if I can help it.  After a comment on my initial post about the tank type, I started looking into it and found that it kind of resembled an M48 Patton:

Tafl Making: Following the Obsession to its Logical Conclusion

As I discussed last week, I was pretty excited about seeing some 8th Century board games.  The more I researched into what the games might be, the more intrigued I became and so I decided to make a replica of that Tafl game (I assume it is Tablut) so that I can play it and complete the circle, so to speak.

Walking Dead Wednesday: Creating a Lurker

I was priming my new Rick on Horse figure and the walker figure that comes in the expansion kept puzzling me.

from Mantic Games

Pimping Games in the 8th Century

A new exhibit opened up at our local History Museum titled “Vikings: Beyond the Legend” and it caught my attention so we decided to check it out.  While going through a lot of the standard museum artifacts and the kids were busy talking to several of the reenactors the exhibit had, I stumbled upon a set of artifacts that caught my eye.

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